Try the political quiz

Donald Trump

donald trump should be president

 @8LTVTP6 from Florida commented…4yrs4Y

What if someone is raped, or has a bad medical condition. The baby doesn’t care anyway, since they can’t think.

 @8N4ZZ74 from California commented…4yrs4Y

 @8NBZ96QGreen from California commented…4yrs4Y

abortion should be allowed in all situations, it's cruel to force a teenage girl or younger to carry a baby for nine months (or more) and force her to take a maternity leave in fricking high school and missing out on important experiences that may shape her life. i understand that she can give the baby up for adoption after carrying to term but putting a young women through the emotional and no to mention expensive and painful birth just to give something she has created away when it can be gone in a moment depending on how far along she is. i understand that it may be against some people's religious or personal beliefs but if the usa was pro choice you get your choice and i don't think a random women's choice to abort her baby that was unexpected will impact your life at all

 @9BP45QS from Florida disagreed…10mos10MO

 @BlissfulMinorityWhipGreen from Georgia disagreed…10mos10MO

While personal responsibility is indeed crucial, it's also important to acknowledge that contraceptives aren't 100% effective. For instance, even with perfect use, birth control pills have a failure rate of about 1%. This means that out of 100 women using the pill for a year, 1 could still become pregnant.

Moreover, not all pregnancies are the result of irresponsibility. There are cases of contraceptive failure, sexual assault, or even situations where a woman's health is at risk.

So, what could be a more comprehensive approach to preventing unplanned pregnancies, in your opinion? More sex education? Better access to contraceptives? Both? Something else?