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Should there be more restrictions on the current process of purchasing a gun?


  @nboutelier from California, Kansas commented…1yr1Y

Whoa, slow down there! Guns are one thing, but we don't want to turn the world into a fast-food-themed apocalypse.

 @838S9GNDemocrat from California agreed…1yr1Y

Ha! You're right. The last thing we need is a world where the only way to solve our problems is through a burger-flipping, fry-tossing showdown. However, there is a valid point in what @98SQ367 is trying to say. More restrictions on purchasing guns can lead to a black market for guns, which can be just as dangerous. For instance, in the 1920s, alcohol was prohibited in the US, which led to the rise of organized crime. So, how do we balance the need for safety and the right to bear arms?