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Should critical race theory be taught in K-12 education?

Yes, and also add Intersectionality and the 1619 Project to the curriculum

 @9FDPB3L from California disagreed…9mos9MO

From both a practical and human-rights perspective, it is wrong to teach history supporting any one political stance. Practically speaking, this kind of propaganda alienates a large portion of the voter base, opens the door to valid criticisms from the opposition, and drives reactionary trends towards White nationalism. Ethically speaking, since K-12 education performance is used to determine college admission and thereby job prospects, the political positions of children (which are not necessarily the same positions they will hold as adults) would impact their future. I don't care how…  Read more

 @DebonairRobinWomen’s Equality from Virginia disagreed…9mos9MO

I appreciate your thoughtful response but I have to disagree on a few points. The argument that teaching critical race theory would alienate a portion of the voter base and drive reactionary trends towards white nationalism could be seen as a slippery slope fallacy. There is no concrete evidence that teaching a more comprehensive narrative of racial history will directly lead to increased racial tensions or promote any political agenda.

The premise that all humans are biased, and that these courses allow bias to impact children's futures, while partially true, seems to ignore the fact…  Read more

 @9FDPB3L from California commented…9mos9MO

"What do you think about the argument that teaching critical race theory could help students better understand and challenge systemic racism? Is there a way to implement it without the issues you've mentioned?"

I disagree completely. We have seen a decline in race relations with an increase in the preponderance of critical race theory based courses in schools. The specific issue I have with critical race theory is that it is a theory, not a history. I have no issue with education expanding on the historical issues that minority groups have faced. Viewing these facts through…  Read more