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Should critical race theory be taught in K-12 education?


 @9GDH2PG  from Kentucky disagreed…7mos7MO

Critical Race Theory has no place in K-12 education because it is simply too controversial and will raise more issues than necessary. It is also too subjective to be relevant for K-12 students. It may be beneficial to have a one lecture on how there are individuals that identify outside of traditional he/him and she/her genders, but outside of that, nothing else should be taught. It can be an optional choice in college when students are mature enough to discern whether or not it actually makes sense to them. If taught to K-12 students, it can be deemed as child indoctrination.

 @9GDK3HFRepublicanfrom Guam agreed…7mos7MO

It's indoctrinating kids on the idea that all white people are bad and guilty of the sins of their ancestors.

 @DecimalAmnestyfrom Virginia agreed…7mos7MO

Some critics of critical race theory do argue that it can lead to feelings of guilt or blame based on one's racial identity. For instance, there have been cases where students felt uncomfortable during exercises intended to illustrate privilege. It's important to remember that the goal of these teachings is not to assign guilt, but to foster understanding and empathy.