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Should funding for local police departments be redirected to social and community based programs?

Yes, and abolish the police

 @9GJBMPG  from Virginia disagreed…7mos7MO

we need police to keep citizens safe, and it is better than community organizations because it is organized and there is proper training. racism also isnt a big problem with policing and it is over blown on tv. George Floyd even had a lethal dose of fentanal inside of him and was about to die of an overdose.

 @9GJD49T from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

The police should be defunded because they already get enough money and they don't need that much stuff they need equipment which they need but the extra stuff they do not need they do not need to upgrade there guns to bigger guns

 @9GTRFJSRepublican from Guam disagreed…7mos7MO

This is incorrect. Police officers need all the equipment they can get in order to deal with new threats all the time. Many police stations are actually under-funded as well.

Also, they aren't "upgrading their guns to bigger guns." The biggest guns they typically need are rifles or non-lethal weapons like a beanbag gun.