Try the political quiz

15 Replies

 @EggsRayGreen from Florida commented…4mos4MO

Should Iowa farmers still get farm subsidies, if the state isn’t going to participate in USDA nutrition programs? Are they gonna tithe a portion of their fields?

 @CommittedDoughnutSocialist from Florida commented…4mos4MO

Farmers aren’t the enemy when politicians steal feeding programs from citizens. Focus your anger where it’s due. Every farmer is going to be in support a program that provides funding to purchase their products.

 @EggsRayGreen from Florida commented…4mos4MO

I actually agree. I was posing it more as a rhetorical question, seeing as it’s a state that benefits more than many from nutrition supports. In more than one way.

 @DemocraticCheetahLibertarian from California commented…4mos4MO

Oh no, parents will have to take responsibility for their children?!

 @ContentCampaignSocialistfrom Tennessee commented…4mos4MO

What possible reason could there be for making a child suffer because they are in an unfortunate circumstance, through no fault of their own?

Church goer, are you?

 @DemocraticCheetahLibertarian from California commented…4mos4MO

Why don’t you have this animosity towards parents who had children they can’t take care of? Did they magically get pregnant, carry it for 9 months, and then decide they couldn’t feed it?

 @ContentCampaignSocialistfrom Tennessee commented…4mos4MO

So would that be all the women who are forced to have babies they don't want and end up on welfare?


If there are limited resources, how should states decide between contributing to federal programs or funding their own initiatives?


In your view, is it more important to focus on immediate food assistance or long-term nutritional education and health outcomes?

 @CivilRightsJackalLibertarian from Florida commented…4mos4MO

This is all just excitement. You live for opportunity to feel opression. This is just Covid funding that RAN OUT. They still get food stamps and I’m sure lots of other subsidies.


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