Try the political quiz

4 Replies

 @9JP2VYF from Ohio answered…4mos4MO

Schools can have visits to nursing homes where they provide interaction between kids and the elderly in order to provide a more connected community.

 @9JNZ45QPeace and Freedom from Texas answered…4mos4MO

They could make visits to elderly homes so the children can do a 'report' on their life and learn some new things and gain knowledge from the elderly.

 @9JNYZCFRepublican from New York answered…4mos4MO

Have mandatory school days where children are introduced to elderly who give them life lessons.

 @9JNYXBFWomen’s Equality from Oregon answered…4mos4MO

take care of elderly how babies were taken care of when they were at one point at where they are today


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