Try the political quiz

55 Replies


If most of us agree on fundamental rights and freedoms, why do you think we often hear more about our differences than what unites us?


People are not really doing what necessary for a change, but slowly things are changing to better.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…2mos2MO

When I read this, laughing to myself, I thought the comment must have been a couple years old ... then I saw it's 12 minutes old. Are you seriously saying things are getting better? Sure, Biden's going to lose in 2024 – but until he does, things aren't getting better.

 @9LFL54J from Missouri commented…2mos2MO

People focus more on the judgement in the world than the reality of the progress we have made as a society in such a small amount of time. We need to not broadcast our differences so much and just be different and everyone should accept that. Peoples differences do not need to become the new normal just be happy within yourself and let other people be happy as well. Focus on bettering the earth not just your personal life. We should focus on saving the planet we live on and with that I believe we will become united and share common ground. This will make people put aside their differences to achieve something together and the world will be at more peace.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…2mos2MO

Then let's all go into a big, sunny, butterfly-y field with rainbows, flowers, and puppy-dogs, hold hands with our friends the child mutilators, criminal alien invaders, unborn murderers, gender cultists, and neocon warmongers, and sing songs of harmony and koom-bye-yaa together, huh?

 @9LFP3BZ from Mississippi commented…2mos2MO

my opinion is we hear more differences is because of the way people act different than others


Imagine discovering that your social media feed has been misleading you about how divided people really are; how does this revelation make you feel?

 @9LFPVZD commented…2mos2MO

I would feel really upset. I think people get a lot of their news off of social media, especially my generation, and what's being sent around is often polarizing for certain sides of issues. I would want people to be less divided on social media.

 @9LFLZ7T from Wyoming commented…2mos2MO

i dont really pay attention to what any media has to say about political issues or people

 @9LFLSN9  from New York commented…2mos2MO

we shouldn’t be lied to and our government shouldn’t hide stuff from us.


How would your interactions change if you found out the divisions between us are not as deep as they seem?

 @9LG28KV  from Tennessee answered…2mos2MO

They wouldn't because I already know the divisions between people are just about protection of everyone's false sense of self, their ego identity (who their football team is, where they go to church, what their socio-economic status is, etc.).

If you interact with a person and not an ideology, that's the best you can do. If people choose to maintain their false identity and identify themselves as engineers, Christians, Alabama football fans, politicians, accountants, mothers, whites, blacks, Asians, or any other 'label,' then shake the dust off your feet and go look for real relationship elsewhere

 @9LG28KV from Tennessee answered…2mos2MO

They wouldn't because I already know the divisions between people are just about protection of everyone's false sense of self, their ego identity (who their football team is, where they go to church, what their socio-economic status is, etc.).

If you interact with a person and not an ideology, that's the best you can do. If people choose to maintain their false identity and identify themselves as engineers, Christians, Alabama football fans, politicians, accountants, mothers, whites, blacks, Asians, or any other 'label,' then shake the dust off your feet and go look for real relationship elsewhere


How might realizing that extreme views are less common than believed impact your perception of 'the other side'?

 @9LFJQVBPeace and Freedom from Utah commented…2mos2MO

It is important to know your enemy and why they are the way they are, they might be the good guys of their story and is there an alternate way to dispute differences between both parties?

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…2mos2MO

Some Corrections...

Yes, most college professors ARE trying to silence conservatives and turn kids into liberal activists. Yes, kids hate Israel, I see it in my hometown.

Yes, most Democrat politicians do want to allow doctors to murder children at the moment of birth.

Yes, these criminal alien invaders are rushing to commit abominable crimes and to vote.

You do not have a right to vote, you have voting privileges. And those privileges can be taken away from you if you are unfit to vote.

You have a right to equal protection from government, but you don't have a right for government to protect you from private discrimination.

Correct, you have a right to freedom of religion.

Correct, you have a right to freedom of speech.

You do not have a right to privacy, but the government should not be spying on you and the Patriot Act should be repealed.

  @lemans3427Republican from California commented…2mos2MO

Can you elaborate on "voting rights" vs. "voting privileges?"

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…2mos2MO

I'd be glad to do that. The number one point I'd like to bring up is the distinction between democracy and liberty. Most people in the United States think they are the same thing. They're dead wrong. Democracy means Majority Rule – whatever the majority votes for, it gets. If the majority votes to enslave the minority, or plunder the minority (which is currently being done through the Welfare State) then it will happen. Might makes right. Whatever most people say goes. There's no law above what the consensus happens to be at any given moment. This is why I detest dem…  Read more

 @HushedSeahorseLibertarian from Missouri commented…2mos2MO

We’ve perfected an Outrage Industrial Complex, complete with departments of Nasty, Rude, and Hostile tropes.

Won’t subscribe to any service carrying FOX, CNN, etc. Whether watched or not, they get a cut of the fee.

 @Independ3ntNickGreenfrom California agreed…2mos2MO

That’s why MSM is really just for the elderly and shut ins. If you are out in the world, nothing on those channels make any sense.

 @DeficitDeerDemocrat from New York commented…2mos2MO

Lol, except the Republican Party nominated the same divisive, outrage peddler three presidential elections in a row. The House Republicans can no longer function as a governing party. There’s no divide - the fringe *is* the party.

 @BisonPeytonRepublicanfrom Ohio disagreed…2mos2MO

When you're ahead in battleground states, that's not fringe. You may not like it, but it's not fringe. Also, the things Biden has said about Trump supporters, having Trans Awareness Day on Easter, coordinating multiple lawsuits against Trump: VERY divisive!


What personal steps can you take to bridge perceived divisions, knowing now that most people might actually share your core values?

 @BubblyInt3grityDemocrat from South Carolina commented…2mos2MO

But the so-called “fringe view” *is* the majority of the Republican Party, as demonstrated by whom they nominate for president and also data:

-57% of Republicans say it would be a good thing if Trump could exercise power "without waiting for Congress and the courts.”

-56% say we need a leader willing to break some rules to set things right.

-52% want a prez who can "rule without too much interference from courts and Congress."

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…2mos2MO

 @L3gis1ativeRayDemocratfrom Illinois commented…2mos2MO

Roger Ailes,Rush Limbaugh Alex Jones Tucker Carlson .. you can thank Ronald Reagan for tearing away the Fairness Doctrine rule for FCC .. With that, went decency, morality, compassion, intelligence, you know ..American values!!


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