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13 Replies

 @C4mpaignStanLibertarian from California commented…1mo1MO

The US defense budget is $800B vs China's $224B, yet we're the ones behind?Maybe accountability for the money we are already spending is in order (cf. $7.2 Billion in weapons we gave to the Taliban with our absurdly planned withdrawal)

 @SereneAmnestyRepublican from North Carolina commented…1mo1MO

(1) China is likely not reporting all of its military spending.

(2) Given lower costs in China, the purchasing power of the Chinese defense budget is much higher than the purchasing power of the US defense budget.

(3) China spends more of its defense budget on new equipment than the US does.

Accounting for these factors, it is possible that China spends more money on new equipment every year than the US does. They seem to be fielding new missiles, planes, ships, etc. than the US does.

 @SheepPaisleyGreenfrom New Jersey commented…1mo1MO

The US cannot be the world's policeman - we literally cannot scale to meet challenges from China, Russia, Iran, N. Korea, Syria, and others simultaneously. We need to get our so-called allies to realize the free rides are over and they need to step up to their regional challenges. Europe, especially Germany, France, and UK, needs to take the lead on Russia. South Korea needs to deal with N. Korea. Israel and Saudi need to neutralize the Iranian nuclear threat. And India, Japan, Australia and SEA countries need to help contain China. The US can be the coordinator and force multiplier for all t...

 @BlueStateHarryPatriotfrom Florida disagreed…1mo1MO

The US can still take the lead in these situations. But our allies must bear much more of the responsibility. There is no reason why S Korea should not be able to handle much more of it's own defense. Our NATO allies must dramatically increase their defense budgets. Russia's recent attacks in Ukraine have made them realize they need to do much more.

 @GleefulV0terVeteran from Minnesota commented…1mo1MO

No warmongering around Asia or Europe or anywhere else. The US must focus on defending the territory of our 50 states.

 @C0nstituti0nalPenguinRepublican from Connecticut disagreed…1mo1MO

The isolationist movement prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor in late 1941 was strong. Led by the famous aviator Charles Lindbergh and others, there were riots, violence and even murders associated with the factions, pro global involvement and isolationism. If not for the emotion and desire for revenge from Japans attack on Pearl AND Hitlers subsequent declaration of war on the US, we may not have entered into any military conflict. Although FDR supported aiding Great Britain, it would not have been easy to convince most Americans to sacrifice its young men again on “their” war…  Read more

 @HolisticTurtlePatriotfrom Montana commented…1mo1MO

Meanwhile "The U.S. military is struggling to meet recruitment goals, with Americans turned off by the long conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan,...."I had high hope that this piece would at last approach our military deficits honestly. My hopes were dashed with the above quoted sentence.

 @KindJudiciaryRepublican from Michigan commented…1mo1MO

For the last 20+ years, the US military's idea of warfare was using a $150 million dollar plane to drop a $400,000 bomb on a $25 tent.

Hey, at least this shift brings them back to concentrate on destroying enemy assets of mostly equal value.


How do you perceive the concept of military modernization in the context of information warfare, and do you believe it's necessary for national security?


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