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U.S. Predicts World War 3 If Russia Wins Ukraine War

 @MajorityLocustRepublican from Michigan commented…3mos3MO

The irony is palpable. Russia violates the Budapest Memorandum. Ukraine doesn't have the nuclear weapons to fire at Moscow. Now Putin uses the nuclear threat.

To double down on the irony, he calls for negotiations to end the war. What is the point in negotiating with a country that violates almost all agreements with them?

 @WelfareDickConstitution from Illinois agreed…3mos3MO

Maybe send Ukraine a few nuclear tipped Pershing missiles. That should give putin something to think about

 @TruthfulBoarsLibertarian from Kansas disagreed…3mos3MO

Ukraine is losing. It's been losing for two years, only much, much more slowly than anyone expected.

Their options are: a.) continue to fight to the death and let Russia swallow all of Ukraine; b.) arm them enough to consolidate their defenses to create a long-term strategic stalemate that may last years or generations - which makes Putin's desires moot, or; c.) have NATO fight and ignite WWIII.

You'll notice there is no "d.," the fantasy that we can so arm war-torn, profoundly outmanned Ukraine to the point that it can eject all Russians, and indefinitely hold and defend that reclaimed land - which even if capable I suspect would also ignite WWIII.

 @YearlyDanTranshumanist from Michigan agreed…3mos3MO

The same exact thing was said about Afghanistan in 1980. In the end the Soviets went home with their tails between their legs.

The war is costing Russia plenty. To what end? Even with total victory, Ukraine will never be a permanent part of Russia. On the day Putin dies it will declare independence.

The only question now is how can Putin back out and save face? Conceding more Ukrainian territory only encourages him to try again. Unless NATO membership for Ukraine was allowed.