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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from America users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @9MZC778 from Virginia answered…6 days6D

No and repeal current standards that result in larger, less efficient being built over smaller vehicles like small pickups that can't meet standards.

 @9MYY7PJ from Pennsylvania answered…6 days6D

No, but there should be emission standards to reduce pollution and prevent poor air quality

 @2TXP8NB answered…7 days7D

The government should set a goal of 100% electric vehicles on our roads, and then make that happen.

 @9MQ2X4M from New Jersey answered…1wk1W

Yes, but I would rather focus on preserving fuel and make cars run more energy efficient.

 @9MN8ZKT from Wisconsin answered…2wks2W

Yes, create stricter standards for SUVs and light trucks that have gotten away with less strict standards for years under CAFE laws

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