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 @9MSTKDB from Illinois answered…1wk1W

Yes but needs testing for proof that it is more effective than humans as well as employed with unbiased/ethical considerations

 @9MM5PH4 from New Jersey answered…2wks2W

 @9MM585G from PR answered…2wks2W

We should invest in AI but we have to give access to people who actually want to better certain aspects of the world and not fall in the hands of corrupted people

 @9MM4BH6 from California answered…2wks2W

 @9MM2TC5 from California answered…2wks2W

I feel like it should be private companies that are doing the research, so that there will be more job openings in that field.

 @9MLZRDV from New York answered…2wks2W

Maybe, If its built for it it could be good but it could malfunction

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